Automatic PDF Processor 1.29.0 for iphone instal

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Fix: use simpler selector for geopicker widgets (enketo/enketo-core#922).Fix: allow arbitrary precision decimal values (enketo/enketo-core#932)Ĥ.1.5 - DO NOT USE: breaks numeric input.Fix: validate number input values (enketo/enketo-core#926).Improve error messages for revoked forms/public access links (#487).If you specify widgets in your config.json, you MUST add integer and decimal. 5.0.0 - īREAKING CHANGE: widgets for integers and decimal inputs have been made into Enketo Core widgets.

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This project adheres to Semantic Versioning. Qa-coda2-enketo is running! Please access Enketo forms from your Iaso installation.Īll notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

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